About Us
The passion behind a service dedicated to companionship
Chronic loneliness has been growing rapidly over the past few years and Covid has not helped. As we look to the services that are available, we feel that one group of people in particular is left out without much support and we want to bridge that gap.
We know that together we're stronger and we aim to serve with enthusiasm, positivity, trust, help and friendship.
Mind the gap
What we found is, that there are many care services for people that require care (although strained themselves), but not many for those that don't require medical or care assistance. People that are actually still physical able to go about, with aid or not; those that simply feel lonely, maybe disconnected from their community for some reason or another. Sometimes family is just busy or far away which in turn leaves those that have reached a time where they can be free to do things, unable to reach their potential, as they have not got anybody to do the things they enjoy with on a regular basis.
Enhancing life quality
We know the services and heart we bring to our clients make such a big difference in their lives:​
Creating opportunities to bring people together.
Boost self-esteem and promote independence.
Combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Bring joy and sense of purpose.
Your happiness is our success
We are so excited to be your companion and add that spark back into your life.

My Story...
Anja's Journey
Companionship Services Ltd. was established in 2024 by Anja, whose passion it is to improve the quality of life of older people. Hi, my name is Anja Abaraou. I am a 43 year young woman, born in Dresden ( East Germany). I moved to the UK in 2004 on the pursuit to a better life. It didn't take long to meet my now husband who is Moroccan. We have 3 beautiful children who get on most of the time:). My Story Just a little background and the journey that led me to decide to start a business that can change people's lives for the better. After arriving in the UK in 2004 as an already fully qualified hairdresser. I continued to work a fair few years for Toni & Guy and then headmasters before embarking on the journey of motherhood. I have met various people and clients in my life and have always been very good at connecting with everyone. Those that needed a listening ear, those who's shells were a little harder to crack. I got dealt the "challenging client" and I enjoyed being able to find that we are all just people that yearn to be respected, accepted and understood. Yet we are all unique and have different ways to communicate, think, feel and vary in needs and wants. I love being around people and even better if I can make them feel happy. Walking around with a positive attitude and a smile is what was passed down to me by my mum. Not a bad trait, I think. In 2019 I joined my children's school as a SEN teaching Assistant. Working through COVID was tough on everyone and the isolation that was put on all still has a huge effect on many. Unfortunately, in early 2021 I collapsed while at work and was eventually diagnosed with PPPD, a chronic neurological dizziness disorder. I ended up having to give up my work and needed a lot of help and support building up my balance and ability to even leave the house. After 2 years I am now most of the time feeling 95% the way I used to. It has taught me patience, gratitude and the importance of a balanced life. As I tried to find my way back into work, thinking I could start a few hours doing care, to help others but also to see how my own health copes with the added responsibilities, I was presented with the opportunity to be a companion for 8 hours per week over 2 days. It's like the universe aligned on that day. I officially became and employed companion in April of 2023. It has been a fantastic year with my client. She told me what she does and doesn't like. Her hobbies, anything I needed to be aware of and her requirements and wishes for our times together. She was also open to suggestions. We've been on exciting day trips, considering her love of water, we went to the pools, but I also showed her a lido and we had a dip in there. I changed her summer to winter wardrobe, she taught me how to play canasta and I showed her a game of dice, both of which we still play regularly. Turns out we are both quite competitive. I help with online food shop, logins, making appointments and sometimes just sorting the kitchen cupboards or other simple home tasks. We watched a movie and had snacks and a cuppa, to share our thoughts on it after. I have also become close with her relatives. The difference me being there for her is immense. The smile and joy I see, the gratitude I have for her to trust me but also her gratitude towards me being there is pure beauty. But sadly, there aren't many stand-alone companionship services out there and chronic loneliness is actually the sad truth for many. My friend said to me one day, "why don't you start a business providing this service? There is clearly a gap, and you are amazing at what you do." You know that lightbulb moment, it hit me right there, just as 2023 was about to end I made the decision to take that leap of faith and began the journey of learning what starting and running a business involves. Feeling in my gut the difference I can make has lit a fire in me. Since January 2024 I have thrown out the idea of balance for a little, while I am preparing, learning and learning some more about the ins and outs of business. I am so pleased how with hard work we are ready to make a positive difference to our new friends, our clients but also to the many lovely companions that will help us make this world a better, happier place. Thank you for taking the time to read my little story. I hope you will be part of it from here. With Love and positive vibes Anja and Family

Meet The Team
​We are a team of naturally compassionate people each with a unique set of qualities, abilities and strengths. We share all in certain key qualities though; we're great listeners with a positive outlook and a mission to encourage independence, personalising our service to your needs and interests.
Essentials for all Companions:
Enhanced DBS Certification
Fully Trained
Drive Own Vehicle
Carry First Aid Kit
Our Clients
We might be a young business, but we have a growing loyal client base who are are extremely satisfied with the service we offer. See what they have to say about our service in the testimonials they have provided.
Definitely would recommend
​“My husband is enjoying the company and they have been on several interesting outings together which has proved stimulating...I am able to enjoy short breaks safe in the knowledge my husband is enjoying the company. Definitely would recommend.”
Spouse of client
I just feel it's the best thing that's happened
It's really comforting
“I would recommend this business without hesitation. There's the trust there, there's the caring, there's the empathy, there's that willingness to get involved - there's no standoffishness. There is an 'I want to help' attitude and it's really comforting.”
Family of Client